Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Few Things I Love!


These little books are the best! They are better than flash cards. Tanner likes to read them to me and Davis. They only have three pictures and three words for each letter and they come in a handy little box. When Tanner was little half the fun was taking them out of the box and then putting them back in.

Books on CD:

I still try to avoid the TV and books on tape are my alternative to the TV when I want to have a few minutes to get ready. We have some Curious George books that Tanner likes, but lately his favorite is "A Frog Thing"

Do you remember these from when you were little? Man I loved them. Tanner really enjoys looking at the pictures and is getting better at telling me what he sees.

Crayola Floor Pad:
Tanner and I have had so much fun drawing on these pads since he was little. I used to be the one drawing what he told me, but now his pictures are really taking shape! They are like $3 or less at Target. We used to do them on the tile so I didn't worry about getting marker on the carpet.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Thanks for the tips! And Happy Birthday! I would have commented on your family blog--the handmade swap sounds like fun, but with the baby coming any day I'm afraid I can't commit to that! Hope you had a great Birthday.

p.s. Kate also loves books on tape. Her favorites are "Little Red Hen" and "Tacky the Penguin".