Thursday, January 29, 2009


Lately I have been working with Catherine on learning her colors. Here are some things I have done to help her understand the concept:

- Go through her box of crayons with her, telling her what color they all are (At this point I am only teaching her the basic colors - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, brown, white, pink)
- Pointing out the stoplights and asking her what color the light is. She gets really excited when it changes to green.
- Talking about the colors of her favorite toys
- Having her clean up her toys, especially her blocks, by color. I will ask her to pick up all of her yellow toys. Then we start on the green, etc.

One day I got a Pottery Barn Kids catalog in the mail. Catherine was intrigued by it because it had some Dr. Seuss pictures in it, and she loves all the Dr. Seuss books. So, Catherine and I went through the catalog, page by page, talking about all the colors in the pictures. She loved it. To bad the catalog couldn't handle all that abuse for very long. I can't wait for the next catalog to arrive!

Now that Catherine seems to have her basic colors down I am working on reinforcement. One of her favorite books right now is "Go Dog Go". There are a lot of colorful dogs in the book. I have Catherine point out different color dogs as I read the book. I think things like this are really helping.

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